Professional Supervision


Louise Samways
M.A P.S College Clinical Psychology and college Health Psychology
A.H.P.R.A Registered Supervisor

“Best Selling Author”
Totally independent, strictly confidential

PROFESSIONAL  SUPERVISION for Psychologists, Social workers, Health Professionals, Teachers
Professionals working in rural, remote and regional Australia can be working in some of the most difficult and
professionally compromising situations in Australia:

“My training does not work out here”
“I don’t understand what is happening with my Aboriginal Staff”

As a totally independent senior Supervisor with over 30 years experience in Clinical, Health and Educational Psychology, working in both mainstream and remote communities, I can help you.

  • Overcome isolation, feel supported and gain professional perspective and confidence.
  • Learn strategies, improve skills, and gain a better understanding of working cross culturally with clients or students who may be suffering complex grief and complex trauma (which can make mainstream approaches difficult unsafe and ineffective)
  • Reflect on your Professional Practice and prevent burnout. Avoid conflicts of interest when an in house supervisor may also be your line manager.
  • Learn strategies for dealing with unrealistic workloads, intimidation, bullying, racism or improper expectations and demands.
Supervision can occur as a single session or on a regular basis, in person, by phone or Skype. The cost of Supervision is tax deductible to you or your employer

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